Monthly Archives: March 2013

He has had 4 days of Radiation and tonight will be his last till Mon. After tonight’s radiation he has 23 to go. He just goes Mon- Fri. They give him a break on the weekends. He said he was really tired and weak last night. He gets his Chemo bag off of him today also so the weekend is total chemo & radiation free. He is really looking pale and has no energy. Not feeling well at all today. We know there will be good and bad days. I will be totally surprise if he finishes going to work this coming week. He is not driving to work because I don’t want him driving while he has this Chemo bag on him so I take him and Adam picks him up.

But if he continues to get week and tired I think he will go on permanent sick time until this is over. Time will see. He basically sleeps almost all the time. He has started eating some through his feeding tube because he is loosing weight and the dietician said he is loosing it to fast. Which means he is loosing muscle not fat. It is starting to get harder for him to swallow. If anyone knows Dennis they know he loves his peanut butter bar from Little Debbie, he eats one every day well, he didn’t even want that this morning. So he just had his liquid food through his feed tube. His Radiation Dr. said Dennis is going to be one very sick man very soon so please keep those prayers coming. Thanks again for all of the concerns and prayers from everyone.