Monthly Archives: February 2014

As you may or may not know, Dad went to MD Anderson and got a GI Endoscopy done on his esophagus along with a CT scan on the neck on Tuesday, Feb 25th. The results on the GI Endoscopy was that he had a mass on his esophagus again. They did a biopsy on the mass to see if it was cancerous or not. Furthermore, he got a CT scan on chest and ABD on Wednesday, Feb 26th. Today, Feb 27th, we found out the results. The biopsy showed that it is cancerous. Plus, there were more cancer cells in several lymph nodes around the neck area.

To say the least, my family is devastated. This will be the 3rd time the cancer has come back for my Dad… this time it’s really hitting my dad as far as emotions. All of Dad’s MD Anderson doctors are going to meet next Tuesday, Mar 4th to discuss what the next step is. Most likely, there will be chemo involved. Due the nature where the current cancer is, Dad has already been radiated in those spots. Therefore, radiation is off the table. On Monday March 10th, that’s when Dad’s one doctor will sit down with him and discuss options.

I ask you to pray for my Dad as he journeys into fighting cancer again. We have beaten cancer twice now and we will beat it again… 3 times is a lucky charm. Go Team C!!!

Hey guys… mom just called me from MD Anderson. Dad had his GI Endoscopy done today . Sadly, they found another tumor. They are going to do a biopsy on it to see if its cancerous. Will know the results in a few days.

Please pray its not cancerous. However, if it is, the Cunningham family will yet again fight and win the battle. Go Team C!!!

My faith in God is what keeps me from being as scared. I am so frustrated with the insurance company and feel frustrated that my family can not figure out what is wrong with dad. No child wants to hear something is wrong with their parent. This morning, my dad tried to vacuum (sweep) the floors of our house, he has to take several 10-15 minute breaks.

I pray NO CANCER. However, I pray we FIND ANSWERS. Praying for no cancer cells when he does his Cscans and guidance from his dr to know what drs to send him to. We will know what direction we must travel this coming week. Praying to stay strong in knowing my faith will give me hope and calmness. Praying to be able to find answers to help my dad. Praying that my mom will not feel so helpless as she watches my dad get weak. Praying for a simple answer that will bring health to my dad.

My faith tells me that after having such a battle (going from stage 4 to cancer free), I know God is with us and answers will be give us hope and comfort.

I just looked at dad’s schedule for MD Anderson. They move his GI Endoscopy and CT Scans up to February 25-27th. Though, we are still trying to fight MD Anderson / the health insurance to get the CT Scans changed to a PET scan.

According to MD Anderson, it’s the health insurance not allowing the PET scan and vice versa.

Dad’s last day of chemo was on October 10th and his last radiation treatment was on October 17th. He was given the all clear, CANCER FREE, on December 9, 2013.

Ever since December, dad’s health has steadily decrease. He is extremely fatigue, he is having a hard time swallowing solid foods, meaning he’s not eating much. Therefore, he’s losing weight (which I think is about 30 pounds since December) and he’s still continuously coughing. His singles virus that he was diagnose with on February 6, 2014 is starting crust over. Meaning, its starting the heeling stage… so that’s good thing. I would venture to say within several weeks, it’s should be basically gone.

Now, to a new item that just happen recently. Yesterday, February 14, 2014. Dad was eating his supper when all of sudden he got sick because the food got stuck in his throat. It didn’t go down the wrong pipe and he wasn’t chocking, it just wouldn’t go down. Unfortunately, the end result was him getting sick. Even after getting sick, Dad literally was gagging for at least 10 more minutes. The frustrating part is just sitting there watching him in agony.

Mom, Jennifer, and I have told Dad he does not look healthy. Dad actually looked more health while taking his chemo/radiation treatments then what he does now. Even the guys that dad works with have told him the same thing. There is something wrong, but yet Dad’s chemo doctor at MD Anderson won’t do anything about it. The blood work dad got couple weeks ago came back OK, so the chemo doctor can’t explain dad’s post treatment symptoms.

Thursday, February 6th, Dad went to the Urgent Care Center in Pearland and was diagnose with shingles.

For those that don’t know… shingles is a painful, blistering skin rash due to the varicella-zoster virus, the virus that causes chickenpox. He has it on his stomach and back, both in the middle. He have been on meds since Thursday to treat the shingles virus.

Therefore, he is dealing with extreme fatigue, hes not eating much (so he’s losing weight), he’s still continuously coughing, and now he has shingles.