Monthly Archives: July 2013

got the test results back from dad’s x-ray. all came back normal. Praise God. So we will have the PET scan in a month and go from there. thank you for all your prayers. I know God is continuing to heal Dad and I know He hears our prayers. Next big day: August 19th: PETS scan

Dear God: I give You all the glory for all that is in my life. Through the shadow of the darkness, You give us light. I believe in You. Thank you Lord. You carry us when we struggle and you give us sunshine to show the beauty in life. I give all my worries to you and know You are destroying them so that I can have peace, grace and life. Amen.

The dr emailed my mom back about dad. They want to start with an x-ray to make sure there is no infection in the lungs. Please keep my family in your prayers. He goes tomorrow afternoon

I ask ya’ll to continue to lift my dad up in your prayers. He goes in August to get a 3 month check up – he will have another PET scan done. Lately, he has experienced a couple “symptoms” that he had prior to doing his treatments which has worried all of us. As a cancer survivor, one of our fears is that the cancer has come back and spread. I refuse to allow myself to give in to the fears as I know God is continuing to heal my dad. We stay strong in our faith and know God is in control and He is healed my dad. Thank you in advance for your prayers.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

Thomas A. Edison

Hey Everyone,

We have gotten so many comments about the background music. To give credit, the music was a free service I implemented from Unfortunately, recently changed there services and is no longer supporting on-demand playlists, which is how it was setup. I am currently in the process in finding a similar service like that supports on-demand playlists. If you know of any services, please write in a comment.

Adam Cunningham