Well folks, Dad is in the ER for the same thing… he is having difficulty breathing. We have a gut feeling he has fluid on his lungs. He could possibly have air pockets on his lungs which is actually worse than having fluid on the lungs. At the time of me write this posting, Dad had an ER room, but no test were done yet. Whenever he goes to the ER, the trend is that MD Anderson admits him into the hospital. I could be wrong, but I would venture to say that’s where he’s going to be tonight. I hope and pray this isn’t going to screw his clinical trial up as MD Anderson has the power to take him off the clinical trial until he gets feeling better.

Then on top of it, Jennifer isn’t feeling very well. She had a pounding headache and got sick 3 times while going to MD Anderson. Mom called me up and I came and picked her up from MD Anderson. I got her home, gave her some toast, 7up, and a heating pad. Her headache is pretty while gone.  So, she seems to be doing much better now.

I will update yall about Dad later on tonight…

Update as of 6:25pm: Dad is being admitted into the hospital. After running test, the drs are puzzled. They think he may have pneumonia but not sure. We are not sure what this means for the clinical trial – on rather he will be allowed to continue. Please pray that he will be able to continue.