Hello friends and family,

I just wanted to talk to you about being a caregiver.  I know there are a lot of you out there that are caregivers.  Remember you need to talk about things also, so if you ever would like to talk to me about things email me at Kgc24@aol.com

Being a caregiver to a person with cancer can be difficult but I am a caregiver to two people in my home, my daughter and my husband.  I wouldn’t have it any other way because I love them both so much. It can be very hard trying to keep your love ones spirit high when you want to cry yourself.  This is when my faith in God steps in.  I can be so exhausted and wonder how I can do it another day but God is there for me and he gives me that strength so I can be there for the ones I love in their need.  Being in a wheelchair I have had to give up things my mind wants me to do but my body says no.  I try not to let the wheelchair get me down, I feel if I know my strength and weaknesses and if I can do it to help my love ones as a caregiver I will do it if at all possible.   Being a caregiver is just like being a person in charge of things.  You learn to delegate things and be ready to do the things that you thought were going to get done but in some cases it does not get done.  For me being organize is very important, things flow better when I know where things are and what order thing need to be done by importance of what they are.  I also realize that you can be as prepared as you need to be and you have days that everything seems to be going in different directions.  But that is how life goes.

People that know my situation with my health ask me all the time how are you doing.  I usually just say I am fine.  God is in my life and even though I have some bumps that I have to live with every day, I don’t feel that it does any good to sit and complain about how bad I feel and I try to remember no matter how bad I feel there is always someone out there that is worse than I am so when God has given me this beautiful day to live in, that is exactly what I do I thank God for letting me be here and be able to function and be able to be a care giver to my family or to whomever needs it.