Before Dad started his clinical trial, they force him to go off his blood thinner for his heart. The reasoning because the blood thinner interfere with the clinical trial chemo. We got the approval from his heart doctor to take him off his blood thinner.

Due to his recently breathing complications throughout his 1st week of clinical trial, MD Anderson is putting Dad back on a blood thinner. We don’t know whats going to happen as far as the 2nd week of the clinical trial. Its possible that Dad will get kicked out of this particular clinical trail.  🙁


In addition to what I wrote, here is what Jennifer wrote:
Dad had lots of test and drs looking at him today. They are really concern about his breathing and his heart. Since he has history of blood clots, that is a concern especially since he is a little swollen. The clinical trial drs felt he needed to be on a blood thinner meds again. We are not sure what that means for the trial as he was not suppose to be on that type of meds.

Dad is really emotional down and we tried to pump him up with some laughs but as you can guess, he is really upset and frustrated. He is no longer allow to have any food by mouth and will be using his feeding tube 100%. They also really do not want him to drink liquids until they find out what is causing all of the issues. To say the least, we are all concern that his chemo treatments will stop so please continue to lift us up.