Got results on dad’s cancer yesterday. The GREAT news: the cancer has NOT gotten bigger and has NOT spread. THANK GOD. The BAD news: the cancer tumors are still there. The GOOD news is that the tumors have gotten SMALLER. THANK GOD. So we are heading towards the right direction. 2 more months of chemo and recheck.

There are 2 things of CONCERN:

  • Dad keeps losing weight. He has lost about 60 pounds in 5 months (13 pounds since March).
  • The really big concern is that dad has a lot of fluid in the left lung – so much that they could not even see the tissue on the cscan due to the fluid. Now we will be going to a lung dr to see why this is happening and to get the fluid drain. As you know, he just was in the hospital a few weeks ago for the same thing.


Thank you so much for praying. I know God hears our prayers and is healing my dad. We have good and bad days but it is a journey that I know God is never left us alone.