Some of yall know this, but most don’t… the Cunningham family have been doing some major, I mean MAJOR spring cleaning.

But first, let me explain something. Dad is a miniature hoarder. He likes to keep things for “future projects”. He has been saving things in the shed and barn for years. I found things that I had no CLUE was back there. Over the last 10 or so years, both buildings have been falling apart to the point of structure instability. For the last several years, we have always stated that we wanted to tear down both the shed and barn, but never did. Well, I said enough is enough and I push mom to see how much it would cost for a big dumpster so we can clean the shed and barn out out. She found a company in Pearland and so Jennifer and I rented the dumpster.

On April 26th, ten people from United Airlines that Dad works with and myself cleaned up the front and back yard and torn down the shed. These men that dad works with, they were doing this with pure respect and actually wanted to help. THEY WERE NOT, I REPEAT, THEY WERE NOT ASKING FOR ANY TYPE OF COMPENSATION. This guy’s respects Dad so much that they are willing to do about anything and everything for Dad and if that meant cleaning of the yard up, then that’s what it takes. Anyways, the yard got cleaned up along the shed got torn down and put in the dumpster.

On April 28th, we had the dumpster people pick up the load, dump it, and bring the dumpster back to the house. I then started cleaning the barn. It was in worst shape than the shed as far the physical structure and more creatures. Due the nature me working a full time job, it was a little bit slower cleaning process since it was just me instead of a crew of 10 people plus me. Mom helped me when she can, but she mainly supervise and make sure I didn’t get hurt or get bitten by a creature.

On May 3rd, two United Airlines people came out to the house and help me do some more cleaning in the barn. One of them brought a tracker with a front end loader, so it was easier to move things for the heaver stuff.

I continued to clean the barn. On May 7th, seven United Airlines people and myself torn down the barn and clean the rubble up. Currently, I have to clean some piles that I raked up and put tree limbs in the dumpster. I should have all of this done by May 11th.

To summarize, the front and back yard got cleaned up, the shed and barn was torn down along cleaning most of the junk that was inside them in the dumpster. Without the folks at United Airlines, I probably would not have been able to finish what needed to be finished in the allotted time frame.

The Cunningham family greatly appreciates every United Airlines guy that came out and help me clean the property up.