Update on my dad:

Friday, we were told he may not have cancer in the lungs. so my parents called his radiation dr and talked to him – his name is Dr. Skinner. He is a great dr who is always willing to explain things.

He said that dad does not have lung cancer. However, there is some abnormal spots (cells) in lungs but drs are not sure what it is yet.

He said the tumor on dad’s esophagus is about 1/3 the size of the entire esophagus. He said there are some lymph nodes mid chest area that are cancer. The lymph nodes in the jaw area is swollen which most likely means cancer but not necessary.

Dr said the best route will be chemo because that will hit all spots including areas of the lungs and lymph nodes in the jaw. how much/what types/ and what side effects — we will find out Monday March 10th as they are still looking into that.

The dr said dad’s type of cancer is a kind that comes and goes so it is normal that one moment my dad is cancer free and the next he is not.