Since dad has been ill, we have not got to go to church as my dad just was too ill to go out anywhere. We have worshiped at home together. Today, after months of not going, the family was able to go to church as my dad is getting stronger each day. We got into the car, one of Elvis songs came on the radio “If I have a dream” which happens to be one of my favorites of Elvis.

Then as we are driving into Alvin, we see a rainbow – a sign of new beginnings. Today’s sermon topic: Miracles.

I have said thank you so many time to God for the miracle my family has been given. Today’s message was a reminder that miracles do exist and that God is listening to our prayers. The pastors took time today to publicly welcome my family back and that touched not just my heart but my whole family’s. It was nice to worship with those who have been praying for us all these months. In behalf of my family, I thank the FUMC of Alvin for all you have done. My dad felt God’s love every chemo treatment with his prayer quit. Thank you God for the miracles you do every day – minor and major.