Dad went to the hanger tonight to say hi to his crew at work. Overall, I am glad he did. I truly believe Dad needed it as it was that additional push for him to get feeling better. Dad is hoping to be cleared to go back to work within the next couple weeks. If you recall, he has been on sick leave since early March 2013… thank goodness he was able to build his sick time over the years.

May 20th will mark the big day. Dad will get a PETScan and hear the results all on the same day at MD Anderson – Downtown. He is very optimistic of the PETScan results since he heard the fantastic results of his GI Endoscopy on May 7, 2013.

On May 23rd, Dad will go to see his oncology doctor at MD Anderson – Clear Lake and is hoping to be cleared to go back to work.  Pray the doctor will clear him.  Dad really wants to go back to work.