Being a survivor is important in the cancer world. When you face cancer, you have two choices. Fight or give up. Dad is a 6 month survivor!

Though this is dad’s site, I wanted to express to his friends what it means to be a survivor of cancer from my point of view.

March 16, 2007… I was told I had leukemia. For two weeks, I truly felt my life was over. I have CML. I truly went from this happy go lucky woman to a very sad woman. I was never angry at God as I knew He did not give this to me. However, I knew God would bring me through this. Despite that, I was very low – both emotionally, mentally and physically.

One day, my mom came into my room. I was sitting at my desk on the computer. She swirled me around and give me a heart to heart talk.

She told me at the end: You have two choices. Fight or give up. You chose. Fight — hope, strength and looking at the cancer head on and saying with force – Cancer will not win. You LIVE LIFE and Cancer loses. Give up: Curl up in that bed and don’t come out as there is no reason to.

Of course, after the “Mom” talk, I got my fighting gloves on and am a survivor. Dad put on his fighting gloves 6 months ago yesterday. He is very worn out but still fights and looks at cancer and refuses to let cancer win.

Please continue to encourage him, lift him up in prayers and let him know God is with him. Even being a survivor all these years, there are days that I have to be reminded to continue to fight. Dad is in the middle of war and is a survivor.